Emergency Treatment
Try rinsing your mouth with warm water or flossing to remove any lodged food. If you have swelling, a cold compress may be applied to the outside of the mouth or cheek. Do not put painkillers directly against the gums or aching tooth as they may burn the gum tissue. Contact us as soon as possible for treatment
Chipped Tooth
Knocked out tooth – If possible, retrieve the tooth, holding it by the crown (the part that is usually exposed in the mouth). If it is dirty, lightly rinse in water, but do not scrub or remove attached tissue fragments. Store tooth in your own saliva or milk. Knocked out teeth have the highest survival rate if they are returned to the socket with in one hour of being knocked out. Contact us immediately.
Lost Filling/Crown
Do not use temporary measures to replace the filling or reglue the crown. Contact us as soon as possible. You may take an over-the-counter pain reliever to ease discomfort.
These are serious conditions that can worsen with time and spread infection to the rest of your body if left untreated. Call us immediately for treatment. To ease discomfort, you may rinse with a mild saltwater solution.