Become a New Patient

From the moment you call Nakoma Dental in Madison WI, you can expect to be treated like a member of our family. We understand that a trip to the dentist makes some patients uneasy. Our goal is to give each patient the best experience possible. We do this by providing exceptional service and gentle dental care.

Getting to know each patient’s individual goals, personalities, and concerns.

Each patient has unique fears, desires, and considerations. A great dentist understands what their patients want, need, and expect from them.

A thorough exam for every patient.

A complete exam should include a thorough history, oral cancer screening, TMJ and muscle exam, occlusal exam and charting, airway analysis, periodontal charting, and an aesthestic smile analysis. We only make a complete diagnosis once all data and subsequent records are acquired.

Easy-to-understand explanations of any problem and its implications.

You deserve to know the status of your dental health, the consequences of failing to address any problems and the measurable results and benefits of specific treatments.

Customizing treatment plans based on your budget, and your goals.

Not every treatment is right for every patient. The best dentists will work with you one-on-one to develop custom treatment plans designed for your unique needs.

A qualified team to rely on.

It takes a committed and trustworthy team to support a great dentist and make a practice truly shine. The best dentists are the ones with a team of reliable players behind them; knowledgeable team managers and partners, seasoned RDHs, and skilled labs and specialists.